Sterex Advanced Cosmetic Procedures at Lumia
As an introduction to this service, we are delighted to invite our clients to have a COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION. Skin Tags, Age Spots, Milia and Facial Thread Veins are just some of the skin conditions that can be quickly and easily treated with immediate results offering eventual blemish free skin. This treatment is suitable for men and woman on both the face and body.
What to Expect in ACP?
The tip of a fine, small probe (about the size of an eyelash) is introduced along the area to be treated and a tiny energy current is discharged. This dries up and destroys the condition which often disappears as it is being treated. Further treatments may be necessary however depending on the severity of the problem. The treatment itself is a little uncomfortable but easily tolerated. There are minimal after effects, with a little tightness and scabbing to be expected. See below for types of conditions that can be helped and approximate treatment prices.
These are tiny white, hard lumps containing keratin which lie superficially under the surface of the skin and can be easily treated with ACP techniques. Their exact cause is unknown although they are often associated with dry skin which can be acidic. Treatment from £45.
Age Spots
The term age spot, or lentigines, refers to the brownish spots that, over time appear on the face and body as a result of over exposure to the sun. As we age our skin is subjected to more and more sun damage. Our skin produces melanin pigment which absorbs sunlight and helps naturally to protect our skin from UV rays. However as we age, our skins natural ability to fend off UV rays from the sun begins to deteriorate, and as a result, we see the development of age spots. These age spots can be effectively removed and treated with ACP. Treatment from £45.
Skin Tags
Skin Tags are very common and most frequently found on the neck and face. They can vary in size from a tiny speck to the size of a large pea or even larger. Removal from £45.
Thread Veins
Thread veins are not broken capillaries but rather permanently dilated capillaries. There are numerous causes including ageing, smoking, hereditary, temperature extremes and hormones. Treatment from £45.
Blood Spots
These are bright red vascular blemishes which lie just under the surface of the skin. They are dome shaped or slighlty raised and are frequently found on the midriff back or front. Most people aged over 30 have at least one and they are even more common in men than women. Treatment from £45.
What to do next?
If you are troubled with any of the above and would like some free advice, why not book a free consultation by calling us on 01786 831 164